Parent's Guide to the Site

Murdoch Murdoch:

Frequent strong language and racial epithets, but nothing a public school middle schooler wouldn't be familiar with. The only explicit nudity is footage of two girls (from Woodstock '99) in 'Last Son of the West'. 'Meme' sex, below, means non-explicit pictures bumping into each other (which can still shock). Probably post-sex ed is a good idea.
The 'narrated' episodes are clean (with the exception of brief female nudity in Last Son mentioned above), with the 'Meme War' and 'sitcom' episodes next cleanest.

Sex (worst first)
Gore (worst first)
Except for 'Anti-Fascist Action', it's mostly cartoony and meme-y.

Walt Bismarck:

They're 99% mainstream cartoons so no depictions of anything, but adult language is common.

White Rabbit:

Rated 'G', except for: "How Whites Took over America 1", imo 'PG', because the whites just haul off and shoot the Indians which is pretty traumatic if you're a sensitive soul.


Nothing explicit I don't think, just general PG-13.

Mark Brahmin with Xurious:

E for Everyone.

2 Dads TV:
