If you're new to 4chan or 4plebs navigation, click on the >>numbers to navigate. To see all posts by some poster, search for a few characters of their ID. Also, MM identifies himself with previously unseen component art that no-one else will likely have, and MC by posting 'Lum's, signing her name, and by sounding like Murdoch Chan ;).

Most Recent First:

2021-07-09 Chan says she's not a hapa, Murdoch says DM's dad has health problems(*), gives his target time range for the book, and, starts to make arrangements for AMA5. (No link this time because reasons.) (*) Actually, that it's health comes from earlier posters who said that, calling themselves 'murdoch murdoch insiders' (something like that) and who I thought were larping at the time. It's likely enough anyway. I can't find those posts any more fwiw.

2021-06-03 Murdoch says they're taking a break, will do an AMA, and that he wants to write a book.

2021-02-01 Murdoch appears in a thread, asking for books to read.

2021-01-26 Chan says 'Guardian' was not the last show.

2021-01-20 Says they've not quit.

MC says the movie will be out in early 2021.

MM says he's animating

MC says the script is finished.

2020-11-11 MC says the next episode will be a big one.

2020-09-20 MM says no more schedule.